Thursday, October 29, 2009


A draft national strategy on Walking Access, and a draft Outdoor Access Code have been published for comment by the NZ Walking Access Commission (NZWAC). NZWAC was set up to support practical, guaranteed walking access to the outdoors that the public can enjoy at no cost. Its strategy is to promote, encourage and where appropriate, negotiate public access on foot to rivers, lakes and the coastline, and to forests, mountains and countryside, NZWAC's Outdoor Access Code sets out the need for people to behave properly and to take responsibility for their actions in the outdoors, and it also asks landholders to contribute to the traditions of NZ, which have seen it as customary for landholders to give access to people wanting to cross their land. Submissions close on 18 December 2009.

Email them to or post them to NZWAC, PO Box 12348, Thorndon, Wellington 6144.

Copies of the draft documents are available at or
telephone 04 894 0549 or email for copies

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