STONEY CREEK is looking to further expand its hunting gear with more specialized clothing, backpacks and accessories. At present their design team is in the process of getting feedback on hunters’ needs through the country. They have asked us whether we could distribute the linked questionnaire. There is a $10 voucher for Stoney Creek products to all of you members who complete the questionnaire. If we want the best products here in New Zealand, this is the chance to be part of having your say. To answer this quick questionnaire, please click here: Stoney Creek Survey
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Garry Ottmann from the Game Animal Council establishment committee is coming here on the night of the 10th November to talk to all hunters about the new Game Animal Council. At this stage it's at the Hastings clubrooms, 7.30pm. This is everyone’s chance to hear the proposals and give some feedback on what they think. Pass this on to any hunters you know.
Graeme Withey is holding a training session in our clubrooms on Saturday 7th November from 2 - 5pm.
The training session is to promote his system of identifying sika heads from non-typical heads(ie Hybrids). This session is open to all interested persons.
The training session is to promote his system of identifying sika heads from non-typical heads(ie Hybrids). This session is open to all interested persons.
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Taruarau Shoot which was to be held this weekend has been cancelled. The land owner says the access to the shooting range is not possible at this time due to the weather conditions. I will keep you informed as to an alternative date when confirmed.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The National Bovine Tuberculosis (Tb) Pest Management Strategy is currently being reviewed, and your views are sought on amendments proposed by the Animal Health Board. The Tb Strategy is the legal basis for controlling Tb in cattle and deer herds, and also in populations of wild animals that can spread the disease, such as possums.
The strategy has an annual budget of $82 million per year. The amendments, which will apply until 2025, include new targets to reduce the size of areas where Tb is found in wild animal populations, and assessing the feasibility of completely eradicating the disease from wild animals.
Submissions close on 30 November 2009.
Send them Attn: B Pereira, Minister of Agriculture, C/o
MAF Biosecurity NZ, PO Box 2426, Wellington 6140, email For hard copies telephone 0800 4 824 636.
The proposal is also at
The strategy has an annual budget of $82 million per year. The amendments, which will apply until 2025, include new targets to reduce the size of areas where Tb is found in wild animal populations, and assessing the feasibility of completely eradicating the disease from wild animals.
Submissions close on 30 November 2009.
Send them Attn: B Pereira, Minister of Agriculture, C/o
MAF Biosecurity NZ, PO Box 2426, Wellington 6140, email For hard copies telephone 0800 4 824 636.
The proposal is also at
A draft national strategy on Walking Access, and a draft Outdoor Access Code have been published for comment by the NZ Walking Access Commission (NZWAC). NZWAC was set up to support practical, guaranteed walking access to the outdoors that the public can enjoy at no cost. Its strategy is to promote, encourage and where appropriate, negotiate public access on foot to rivers, lakes and the coastline, and to forests, mountains and countryside, NZWAC's Outdoor Access Code sets out the need for people to behave properly and to take responsibility for their actions in the outdoors, and it also asks landholders to contribute to the traditions of NZ, which have seen it as customary for landholders to give access to people wanting to cross their land. Submissions close on 18 December 2009.
Email them to or post them to NZWAC, PO Box 12348, Thorndon, Wellington 6144.
Copies of the draft documents are available at or
telephone 04 894 0549 or email for copies
Email them to or post them to NZWAC, PO Box 12348, Thorndon, Wellington 6144.
Copies of the draft documents are available at or
telephone 04 894 0549 or email for copies
Friday, October 16, 2009
Backcountry huts removed and not available for accommodation
September 2009
This is a list of DOC huts that have been removed and those not available for accommodation. These huts may still appear on maps and in other visitor information.
Download the publication:
Backcountry huts removed and not available for accommodation (PDF, 38K)
September 2009
This is a list of DOC huts that have been removed and those not available for accommodation. These huts may still appear on maps and in other visitor information.
Download the publication:
Backcountry huts removed and not available for accommodation (PDF, 38K)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A great tasting snack to take hunting...if you can stop yourself from eating it all beforehand.
1½ -2lbs. venison steak
¼ cup soy sauce
¼ cup Worcestershire sauce
1½ tsp liquid smoke
½ tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
½ tsp fresh crushed garlic
¼ tsp chili powder
½ tsp cracked pepper
Trim away all fat & sinew from meat. Slice meat into 4mm thick strips – cutting along the grain, not through. Place meat into zip-lock plastic bag.
Mix all other ingredients & pour over meat. Let out the air and seal bag. Refrigerate for 12-48 hours. Mix contents of bag once or twice while marinating.
Drain off and excess liquid. Hang meat from oven racks using toothpicks. Set oven to around 70 C until done. May take 3 - 8 hours depending on temperature and thickness of slices. Let cool before putting in bag or jar for storage.
1½ -2lbs. venison steak
¼ cup soy sauce
¼ cup Worcestershire sauce
1½ tsp liquid smoke
½ tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
½ tsp fresh crushed garlic
¼ tsp chili powder
½ tsp cracked pepper
Trim away all fat & sinew from meat. Slice meat into 4mm thick strips – cutting along the grain, not through. Place meat into zip-lock plastic bag.
Mix all other ingredients & pour over meat. Let out the air and seal bag. Refrigerate for 12-48 hours. Mix contents of bag once or twice while marinating.
Drain off and excess liquid. Hang meat from oven racks using toothpicks. Set oven to around 70 C until done. May take 3 - 8 hours depending on temperature and thickness of slices. Let cool before putting in bag or jar for storage.

Monday, October 12, 2009
Options for Establishment of the New Zealand Game Animal Council: a discussion paper
The paper can be viewed online at
The paper can be viewed online at
Friday, October 9, 2009
The club range day planned for Sunday 11th October at Poraiti has been postponed due to recent wet weather affecting access.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Stewart Island
Wednesday after work saw Bruce and I heading down to Levin in his fully loaded yet surprisingly quick ute, where Bruce’s folks had kindly offered to put us up for the night. We had an early crossing in the morning to Picton, and due to the recent weather, a very rough crossing was in the back of our minds.
Bruce’s parents had kindly taped the evenings news for us, and with smiles on their faces, they showed us footage of the Blue Bridge ferry crossing in seven meter swells. Pumpkin soup followed by 2 sea sick pills were the order of the evening and then off to bed for an early start in the morning.
Four thirty a.m. meant it was time to saddle up the ute and catch a ferry. Another sea sick tablet and we were ready to go surfing! On board the ferry, Bruce retired upstairs to a cabin to catch some Z’s, while I sat in the TV-room trying not to look as sick as I felt.
Looking out the window and watching the other ferry plaining on the surface, passing us and then disappearing out of site didn't make me feel any better. Cheers Bruce for booking the slow one!
Picton to Blenheim, Blenheim to Christchurch, Christchurch to Timaru and it was time for our next pit stop. An orchardist acquaintance of Bruce had volunteered to take us in, and after a delicious meal, a few drinks, and lots of apple-related conversation, we hit the hay in preparation for another early start.
The dial rolled around again and pointed to four thirty a.m., so it was time to kick-start the ute and chase the weather down to Bluff.
With clear skies up ahead we both now realized we were going to make it without any weather hold-ups. All party members were now arriving in Bluff. And with a quick change into the proper attire, it was time to get into hunting mode.
Gear, food, booze and guns were loaded onto Herbie’s boat and Bluff faded out of site. Stewart Island appeared on the horizon, and Herb, with the finesse of a high school principal, had each team sorted and our backsides in the dinghies before we knew what hit us.
With the A-team on Tiko and the Elite team on Kelly’s, it was time to clean huts and stack food shelves in preparation for the next nine days. Darkness rolled around quickly, and both teams had good kiwi hash-up dinners and a few drinks before getting a semi-early night. In the morning the race would be on for the first venison!
Morning came and the game plan was made to all head in separate directions, have a good poke about, and then report back that evening so all could get an idea of the land. Mike and Geoff spotted the first deer of the trip, tricking it as they had decided to backtrack, catching it out on the track where they had just been walking.
Back at base, GPS waypoints from everyone were marked on the map.
Bruce’s waypoints didn’t tally up with the massive distance he thought he had covered for the day, and he copped a bit of slack as they showed he had only walked a stones throw away from the hut.
The regular check-in was made via mountain radio to the Elite team, and it had been reported that no deer had been shot that day, although they had been enjoying a good feed of blue cod. As we had been enjoying a feed of baked beans, Nick decided he'd get onto some cod the next day.
Day three, and Bruce was up and gone before the sparrows had even thought about chirping. Other stalkers went their separate ways, and after a long day found their way back to the hut by following the smell of Mike and Geoff's super hash-up dinner. All except Bruce, who had 'decided' to spend the night out camping.
Just after noon the next day, Bruce strolled back into camp. Turned out that after the shit he’d copped about his first day’s hunting efforts, he'd decided to embark on the mother-of-all-Stewart-Island- walks, seeing two deer and covering a massive Distance.
After a few more days hunting, some of the crew decided to get into the fishing side of things. For the A-Team this proved to be a bit of a challenge, due to the fact that wherever we went, we only seemed to pull in undersize cod. This was a major contradiction from the stories we'd heard of massive cod being pulled in on every drop from past visits. On the other side of the island, the Elite Team were easily managing six big cod a day. After a while our techniques improved, and with the aid of Nick's crab soft baits and paua guts as bait, we finally managed to get in some good hauls of cod. Both teams had managed to get fresh paua, thanks to divers Aaron and Murray on the Elite Team, and the rocks at low tide on the A-Team!
Day seven clocked in and still no deer on the score sheet. Sick of eating sausages, Murray formulated a cunning plan, and was dropped off down the bottom of Oyster Cove to cover some fresh ground. This plan was obviously a good one, as he shot a well-conditioned doe that was sneaking through a clearing. With all the action going on, he didn't realise there was another deer watching him until it was too late!
We had read in a hunting magazine in the hut that most hunters on the island find they shoot one deer for every six they see. Since we had seen five deer, we were not surprised when gun shots were ringing around Tiko, and Bruce walked back to camp carrying a young buck. Both teams now had a taste of famous Stewart Island venison, and had something (truthful) to gloat about during our scheduled radio broadcast.
The last evening and morning were spent cleaning the hut and sorting out our gear ready to be picked up and taken back to civilization.
Mike conducted some tours around the home of his pet Kiwi ‘Elvis’
which gave the guys a chance to get some awesome up close shots of a Kiwi.
Even though hunting at that time of the year was very challenging, nine days on Stewart Island was the best outdoor experience I've had. I saw Kiwis running around every day, and managed to see (and miss) my first white tail deer at about six meters away. Springy bloody things those whitetails!
Mike Baylis
Wednesday after work saw Bruce and I heading down to Levin in his fully loaded yet surprisingly quick ute, where Bruce’s folks had kindly offered to put us up for the night. We had an early crossing in the morning to Picton, and due to the recent weather, a very rough crossing was in the back of our minds.
Bruce’s parents had kindly taped the evenings news for us, and with smiles on their faces, they showed us footage of the Blue Bridge ferry crossing in seven meter swells. Pumpkin soup followed by 2 sea sick pills were the order of the evening and then off to bed for an early start in the morning.
Four thirty a.m. meant it was time to saddle up the ute and catch a ferry. Another sea sick tablet and we were ready to go surfing! On board the ferry, Bruce retired upstairs to a cabin to catch some Z’s, while I sat in the TV-room trying not to look as sick as I felt.
Looking out the window and watching the other ferry plaining on the surface, passing us and then disappearing out of site didn't make me feel any better. Cheers Bruce for booking the slow one!
Picton to Blenheim, Blenheim to Christchurch, Christchurch to Timaru and it was time for our next pit stop. An orchardist acquaintance of Bruce had volunteered to take us in, and after a delicious meal, a few drinks, and lots of apple-related conversation, we hit the hay in preparation for another early start.
The dial rolled around again and pointed to four thirty a.m., so it was time to kick-start the ute and chase the weather down to Bluff.
With clear skies up ahead we both now realized we were going to make it without any weather hold-ups. All party members were now arriving in Bluff. And with a quick change into the proper attire, it was time to get into hunting mode.
Gear, food, booze and guns were loaded onto Herbie’s boat and Bluff faded out of site. Stewart Island appeared on the horizon, and Herb, with the finesse of a high school principal, had each team sorted and our backsides in the dinghies before we knew what hit us.
With the A-team on Tiko and the Elite team on Kelly’s, it was time to clean huts and stack food shelves in preparation for the next nine days. Darkness rolled around quickly, and both teams had good kiwi hash-up dinners and a few drinks before getting a semi-early night. In the morning the race would be on for the first venison!
Morning came and the game plan was made to all head in separate directions, have a good poke about, and then report back that evening so all could get an idea of the land. Mike and Geoff spotted the first deer of the trip, tricking it as they had decided to backtrack, catching it out on the track where they had just been walking.
Back at base, GPS waypoints from everyone were marked on the map.
Bruce’s waypoints didn’t tally up with the massive distance he thought he had covered for the day, and he copped a bit of slack as they showed he had only walked a stones throw away from the hut.
The regular check-in was made via mountain radio to the Elite team, and it had been reported that no deer had been shot that day, although they had been enjoying a good feed of blue cod. As we had been enjoying a feed of baked beans, Nick decided he'd get onto some cod the next day.
Day three, and Bruce was up and gone before the sparrows had even thought about chirping. Other stalkers went their separate ways, and after a long day found their way back to the hut by following the smell of Mike and Geoff's super hash-up dinner. All except Bruce, who had 'decided' to spend the night out camping.
Just after noon the next day, Bruce strolled back into camp. Turned out that after the shit he’d copped about his first day’s hunting efforts, he'd decided to embark on the mother-of-all-Stewart-Island- walks, seeing two deer and covering a massive Distance.
After a few more days hunting, some of the crew decided to get into the fishing side of things. For the A-Team this proved to be a bit of a challenge, due to the fact that wherever we went, we only seemed to pull in undersize cod. This was a major contradiction from the stories we'd heard of massive cod being pulled in on every drop from past visits. On the other side of the island, the Elite Team were easily managing six big cod a day. After a while our techniques improved, and with the aid of Nick's crab soft baits and paua guts as bait, we finally managed to get in some good hauls of cod. Both teams had managed to get fresh paua, thanks to divers Aaron and Murray on the Elite Team, and the rocks at low tide on the A-Team!
Day seven clocked in and still no deer on the score sheet. Sick of eating sausages, Murray formulated a cunning plan, and was dropped off down the bottom of Oyster Cove to cover some fresh ground. This plan was obviously a good one, as he shot a well-conditioned doe that was sneaking through a clearing. With all the action going on, he didn't realise there was another deer watching him until it was too late!
We had read in a hunting magazine in the hut that most hunters on the island find they shoot one deer for every six they see. Since we had seen five deer, we were not surprised when gun shots were ringing around Tiko, and Bruce walked back to camp carrying a young buck. Both teams now had a taste of famous Stewart Island venison, and had something (truthful) to gloat about during our scheduled radio broadcast.
The last evening and morning were spent cleaning the hut and sorting out our gear ready to be picked up and taken back to civilization.
Mike conducted some tours around the home of his pet Kiwi ‘Elvis’
which gave the guys a chance to get some awesome up close shots of a Kiwi.
Even though hunting at that time of the year was very challenging, nine days on Stewart Island was the best outdoor experience I've had. I saw Kiwis running around every day, and managed to see (and miss) my first white tail deer at about six meters away. Springy bloody things those whitetails!
Mike Baylis
Welcome to the NZDA Napier branch Hunting Reports Page.
In this section of the Web site you can read, comment, and view photos about Napier branch hunting trips, activities and competitions.
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