Monday, May 31, 2010
Summary of Proposed Changes to Photography Competition Caterogies
Proposed changes - Split to best colour print
A/ Cup - Best big game – Deer, Chamois and Thar Photo.
B/Certificate – Other feral big Game – Goat, wild sheep, wild Pig, wild cattle.
Betty Keller Cup
Currently - B&W print or colour slide Scenic and other wildlife.
Reallocate – Champion Photo.
Best Colour or Black and White print all sections – judges choice from all first 3 place getters in all sections.
R. Monteith Cup
Currently - best colour slide big game
Reallocate – Best Colour slide any subject matter relating to hunting and outdoors.
Reasoning – leave 1 section for those competitors who wish to take slides , but reallocate current slide trophies to appropriate colour print sections.
H Lock Shield
Proposed - Best scenic colour or Black and White print by junior.
Currently any subject matter colour print.
Chris Coyle Memorial
Proposed – Best wild life colour or Black and White print by junior.
Currently any subject matter black and white print.
NB. Juniors can enter in equivalent senior competition as well.
Proposed Rule Changes. Napier Club Photography Competitions
- Maximum print size 6”x 4” (100x 150 mm) Currently unclear, some rule books say 10”x8”
- Entrants Christian name must be in full not just initial.
- Change rule 5 to include - digital enhancement / trick photography are not permitted.
- Any image can only be entered in one section, except the first 3 places for each section will automatically judged for Champion print or slide trophy. Note Juniors can enter both the junior and senior equivalent sections.
- No one may comment or endeavour to influence judges, nor will any discussion between judges be allowed while judging is in progress.
- No Entrant may judge or advise judges on any section they or a family member has an entry in. They must declare their conflict of interest and stand down from judging that section; if appropriate the scribe or coordinator may judge in their place.
- Where there are doubts over an entries validity or eligibility , the entry will still be judged, but results for that section with held until investigations have been completed.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Any enquiries regarding the Hawkes Bay club please phone Neil Scott on (06) 8565875.
- Napier Club judging - Saturday 12th June. Heads and photos are to be at the club rooms by 9am.
- Hawke's Bay judging - Sunday 13th June at Napier Club Rooms.
- National competition to be held at Palmerston North this year on 9th July. Heads to be in Palmerston North by 18th June.
Also, a reminder that a general meeting is being held at the Hastings Police Station at 7:30pm on Tuesday May 18th.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
It has been 33 years since I last shot a deer, but the memory and excitement remain. Thus, it was with great anticipation I joined six others on the club hunt to the Ruahines, based at No Mans Hut. I may not have shot a deer this trip, but at least I saw one! Getting closer!

The trip into the range, on late Friday afternoon, was steep and spectacular. Open tussock and patches of mountain beech replaced thick manuka as we rapidly climbed the range towards the hut. The alpine areas, quite different from the Kawekas where I have been reconnecting with my hunting past, were vast!
Excitement on the way in as a deer was sighted by the side of road – next time Murray! At least it proved there were animals there!
Arrival at the hut, followed by rapid unloading of vehicles, and the team spread out for a hunt in all directions. Much later a shot indicated success somewhere in the distance, with Aaron and Todd returning with a deer just after dark, shot at a damn long way (I think so anyway!)
This set the pattern for the next three days. The team out early and late, weather (especially wind!) permitting, glassing and finding deer usually at the bottom of steep huge gullies, taking long distance shots and if successful, spending much sweat and energy retrieving them uphill!
Quiet lunchtimes yarning in the hut over a brew – all varieties! And, after hanging fresh venison in the meat safe, evenings spent retelling the day by lantern-light through the smoke of the hut stove. Bloke’s stuff!!I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend, and am assured my snoring didn’t keep others awake – it was probably disguised by everyone else’s varied bodily noises! Next time I’ll bring more food and a warmer sleeping bag – didn’t expect a frost in early January!
It was great to have my love of hunting rekindled with such an amenable bunch of blokes. Thanks to Aaron, Mark, Todd, Murray, Otto and Simon for having an old fella (me!) along. My long awaited deer is getting closer!